Thursday, December 19, 2019

Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to say a very big thank you again to all my students and their families for the gifts, cards, and kind words that I received! I am very blessed to have such a wonderful group of kids to teach this year:)

In case you missed it or would like to watch it again, here is the link to the assembly. Our class is the first performance. Enjoy!


A very Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.

Mrs. Moore

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Holiday Fun!


We did some holiday writing in our journals using the copied sentence frame 'I want a __________.' so the students could tell me what they asked for at Christmas. The students then used their alphabet visuals and their bubblegum technique to stretch out the words that they wanted to write and write the letters of the sounds that they heard. We did a second journal prompt using the sentence frame 'I see _________.' to write about the things we see at Christmas.

 There are little Mr. Faunt and Mr. Belcher elves hiding around the school! We used a clipboard and a recording sheet to make tally marks and then count to see how many of each elf we could find.

For our math patterns unit, the students made Christmas coloured pattern chains. This activity is also helpful for strengthening our fine motor skills.

Some of the students decided to join their chains together to make one really long one! It was great team work and collaboration:)

Tomorrow we are going to be doing a holiday craft with our big buddies and will be bringing home the finished product. Just a reminder that my class will attend from 8:00 am until 12:00 noon. Also, I still have a few library books that have not been returned so please put them in your backpacks for tomorrow, which is our last day before the Christmas break.

Merry Christmas!
-Mrs. Moore

Monday, December 16, 2019

Library Books

Our librarian Mrs. Brock is kindly asking that all library books are returned before the break so that she has time to organize and re-shelve! Please remind your child to put their book into their backpack to return before Thursday.

Also, just a reminder that our assembly is Wednesday at 8:30-I hope you can all make it!

On Thursday, the students will come to school from 8:00 until 12:00 noon.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Alphabet Hunt!

The students had a lot of fun with the Alphabet Hunt activity in class today! All the letters of the alphabet were placed around the classroom in different spots and the students had to take their clipboard and their alphabet sheet to find, match, and write the letters on it. This activity allowed the students at all stages of their literacy learning to be successful. The initial stage is to be able to match the letters. Even if a student does not yet know the name of the letter or all of the corresponding lowercase letters, they can still be successful in matching the shapes of the letters from those found around the room to the ones on their sheets. 

Some of the students began to work in groups and it was fun to see them help each other out by pointing out some of the letters that had not yet been found to their peers. This got them to use the names of the letters when they would ask, “do you know where the ‘O’ is?” or say, “the letter ‘K’ is over there!” 

In addition to new literacy games, I have changed the wall story to include the familiar sentence frame “I see..” and added in new numbers and pictures of arrangements of dots for the students to identify and match. The students need to use their knowledge of letter sounds and use the pictures/objects as clues to help them read the new story. Memorization is one skill that students can use but this allows them to use new or different skills for pre-literacy.

In math we will continue to focus on number sense all year using the numbers 0-10. We continue to sing songs and play counting games. In addition to counting and playing subitizing (recognizing objects at a glance) games, we have started our unit on patterns. By the end of this unit, students should be able to identify, extend, and create a 2 or 3-part pattern. Here is one of the videos that we have been using to practice this skill. The students can identify what object comes next in the pattern and identify what attribute is changing (i.e. size, shape, direction, colour).

Click HERE for the pattern video!

We have also been doing a countdown to Christmas every day! This gives students a real-world connection to math skills in an engaging way. We will continue to incorporate Holiday-themed activities into our learning over the next monthJ

Also, just a reminder that our Holiday performance will be on the December 18th assembly at 8:30 am and parents/families are encouraged to attend!

-Mrs. Moore