Monday, April 13, 2020

How to teach your child to use 'Kid Writing'

Our Week of Learning

Just a reminder that today is a PD (professional development) day for the teachers so we will be attending online sessions and meetings. I am still available by email but this is why there is no weekly outline sent out yet. Your child's weekly outline of activities will be sent out tomorrow (Tuesday, April 14).

I hope everyone had some family time this weekend and I look forward to connecting with you all this week:)

Big Hugs,
Mrs. Moore

Friday, April 10, 2020

Happy Easter!

Dear Kindergarten families,

This Easter weekend, I hope that you are all able to enjoy some time with your families.

I know that the online learning has been a huge change for all of us and that we are still adjusting. I just wanted to say that the learning plans that I send you weekly are 'emergency learning' due to the unprecedented times in which we find ourselves, and that I do not want these activities to be an additional stress to your families. If there are ever activities lined out that are not possible for your child to complete due to lack of resources at home, computers being used for other purposes, or just due to the fact that your are feeling overwhelmed, please know that I will understand that things don't always go as planned and try not to worry.

My number one priority is for the health and happiness of my students and their families, and that includes our mental health. We are not actively 'assessing' their work at this time but I can't express how much I enjoy receiving pictures and notes from the students. It is a little light in my sometimes difficult days.

I made a 'how-to' video for making Easter sugar cookies! This is not part of our traditional 'learning' and is just for fun, in the case that you and your child/children are able and would like to join in and have some fun making cookies:) You'd be surprised how much learning is involved in these daily activities that we engage in every day and that our young students can benefit from.

Please give my students (your children!) a BIG hug from me and let them know that I think of them daily and I miss them very much. I look forward to the day when I will see them in the halls of Ken Taylor School and get to catch up and find out how much they've grown.

Big Hugs,
Mrs. Moore

CLICK HERE for the video for how to make Easter sugar cookies!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

More Guided Drawings!

Hi Kinders,

Thank you so much for sending me your drawings, I LOVE being able to see your work! It's amazing how far you have all come since the beginning of the year. I also enjoy when I get to see your smiling faces in the picture too; it makes me smile:)

Here is a link to a second video where I show you how to draw a cake and a snake! Please continue to send your pictures. Next week I will be sending out a schedule for the week's activities to get into more of a routine.


Big Hugs,

Mrs. Moore