Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Our learning

For the past couple of weeks the students have been working on some on-going projects and activities in math and literacy.

For literacy, we have been reading our wall story everyday. Wall stories are a research-based strategy that all the teachers at Ken Taylor School use to teach and improve reading in our students. The students use a pointer or wand to point to each word as they read. The story is simple and the students can memorize it at first. They learn many pre-literacy skills such as reading from left to right, recognizing letters and words/sight words, and they eventually will improve their fluency when reading. Our wall story is based on our Fall walk and uses actual artifacts collected by the students. It is also interactive, with opportunities to clip on pictures and numbers that match the text.

We have also continued to sing our alphabet song and do focused lessons on each letter, brainstorming words that use the particular sound. The students continue to use a variety of literacy games during center time.

Here the students are playing alphabet Bingo where one student is the caller and the other students have have cards and chips.

Here the students are practicing proper letter and number formation using the Smart Board and fun, creative pens!

Here the students can match upper and lower case letters.

In math, we have been working on our number fluency with numbers 1-10. We have been singing songs and playing games to count up and back from 1-10 and 10-1 and starting at different numbers.

We also read the story Ten Black Dots to start our lesson. We talked about and practiced different ways to subitize numbers, which means to recognize arrangements of objects/dots at a glance. (The wall story also makes connections to numerals and subitizing skills for numbers 1-5). Then we decided to write our own Ten Black Dots books! Here are some pictures of our work. When they are finished the students will bring them home and will be able to read their first published book!

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